Look, Feel and Language Library



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Look, Feel and Language Library


Copyright ©2006-2008, Brian Ngure
- Version 1.3a - Sunday 5th March 2006

This library makes it easier to include a "Look and Feel" menu and a "Language" menu in your application. It makes use of the Web Translator Resource Bundle which is available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/webtranslator created by Brian Blank which provides for an automated resource bundle that automatically translates text between 14 different languages with minimum effort by the programmer.

The Web Translator Resource Bundle automatically translates the "Look And Feel" and "Language" menus when you are connected to the internet. You can use the Web Translator Resource Bundle to translate the rest of your program, or use your own resources.

This library uses the JGoodies Looks 2.0-rc look and feel bundle available from http://looks.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList by Karsten Lentzsch. Other looks and themes will be added in the future.

This library requires version 1.5 or greater of the JDK (Preferably 1.6).

An example of how to use this library is included in the source code. To run the example, simply double click the file example.jar or type java -jar example.jar at the command prompt or terminal.

If you believe that you have encountered a bug, or have a suggestion for an improvement that will be of use to many others, please send me an e-mail at: or

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